Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Registration Fee Change

At Staub Brothers’ we take our motto: The Enjoyable and Affordable RC Experience seriously. Traditionally, our prices rival  the competition.  However, we also realize that a business most be profitable to continue to serve the community.  We no longer can absorb rising costs and continue to offer the same top quality services and facilities to which our customers have come to recognize us.  Below is our new Registration Fees effective May 5, 2018.

First Class: $15 ($3 increase)
Additional Classes: $10 each ($2 increase)
Slash MDM: $10

If you are a racing family with multiple entries, please talk to Scott. Additional discounts on entry fees can be worked out privately.  Our goal is to continue to serve our racers. We can’t do that if you can’t afford to bring your family to race.